The “Support for Victims and Witnesses of Crime in Serbia” project will establish a comprehensive national system for information, help and support for victims and witnesses within the criminal justice system in Serbia. The project will contribute to the rule of law and strengthen the judiciary in the Republic of Serbia for the purpose of aligning closer with international and European legal standards.

This includes improvement of institutional reform and strengthening of capacities of victim and witness support services in the police, public prosecutor’s offices, courts and civil society organisations, as well as the accomplishment of their inter-institutional cooperation.

The establishing of this system is in accordance with the international standards and European Union acquis and has been planned in the Action Plans for Chapters 23 and 24 within Serbia’s EU accession.

 The project worth EUR 1.500.000 is financed by the European Union and is implemented by the OSCE Mission to Serbia, as a partner selected by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia.



The work on this project will contribute to greater enjoyment of rights of victims based on the guaranteed minimum international standards pertaining to support for victims/witnesses and access to support services within the criminal justice system in Serbia. Special attention will be paid to vulnerable groups which are exposed to secondary victimisation, such as victims of sexual violence, human trafficking or minors.


IMPROVING THE STRATEGIC AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK – creation of a national strategy on the rights of victims of crimes together with an action plan, establishing of a coordination body for monitoring these strategic documents and work on amendments and harmonisation of legislation for the purpose ensuring the rights of victims and witnesses.
STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES of government institutions and providers of support for victims and witnesses of crimes through creation and implementation of various trainings and creation of manuals, as well as expansion of the network of institutions and organisations which offer help to victims and witnesses.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – creation of a single register of service providers, development of a comprehensive database and case management system for all service providers, as well as the creation of a call center.
CAMPAIGN TO RAISE THE AWARENESS OF THE ACADEMIC AND GENERAL PUBLIC about the existence, importance and role of victim support services in Serbia, as well as education of a network of volunteers in this field.


2018 © Victim and witness support